Believe it or not, many of the best places to visit in Indonesia are still almost unknown to tourists. There are more than 17,000 beautiful Indonesian islands …
South Sumatra
- AsiaBaliBelitungBucket ListFloresIndonesiaJavaKalimantanKomodo National ParkMalukuNusa PenidaSulawesiSumatra
- AsiaBeachesBelitungBucket ListIndonesiaIsland HoppingJunglesSnorkelingSumatraUNESCO Geoparks
Belitung Island Travel Guide & Things To Do (Indonesia)
Belitung is a very underrated tropical island in Indonesia with some incredible scenery and nature. This island is about the same size as Bali, but much less …
- AsiaBaliBelitungBucket ListEast JavaFloresHikingIndonesiaJavaKintamaniKomodo National ParkLabuan BajoLake TobaLombokMalukuMedanNorth SulawesiNorth SumatraNusa PenidaSouth SulawesiSouth SumatraSulawesiSumatraVolcanoesWest Java
25 Best Hikes In Indonesia: Volcanoes, Jungles, & Waterfalls
The best hikes in Indonesia feature smoking volcano craters, giant waterfalls, magnificent jungles, and exotic wildlife that can’t be found anywhere else on Earth. This island nation …
- AsiaBeachesBelitungFilm LocationsIndonesiaSnorkelingSumatraSunsets
Tanjung Tinggi Beach In Belitung, Indonesia
Pantai Tanjung Tinggi is a popular scenic beach on the island of Belitung, Indonesia. From a photography standpoint, Tanjung Tinggi Beach is easily one of the most …
- AsiaBeachesBelitungBucket ListIndonesiaIsland HoppingSnorkelingSumatraUNESCO Geoparks
Belitung Boat Tour: Island Hopping, Beaches, & Snorkeling
If you’re planning a trip to Belitung in Indonesia, make sure you do a boat tour there! The island hopping in Belitung is amazing, and you can …
- AsiaBeachesBelitungIndonesiaIsland HoppingLighthousesSnorkelingSumatra
Lengkuas Island & Lighthouse In Belitung, Indonesia
Pulau Lengkuas is a small island with a colonial lighthouse off the coast of Belitung, Indonesia. The combination of perfect white sand and palm trees, giant granite …
- AsiaBelitungBucket ListHikingIndonesiaJunglesMountainsSumatraUNESCO Geoparks
Batu Baginda Hike – Giant Boulders In Belitung, Indonesia
Batu Baginda is a short but awesome hike in Belitung, Indonesia that takes you to the top of a massive boulder overlooking the jungle. This spot is …